Getting Healthy Together: How to Get Your Spouse on Board

by | Jan 28, 2022 | Insights, Physical Activity

By: Adam Pounds, EIM Owner

Starting a healthy living journey can look different for everyone, including spouses and partners, but for many reasons, it’s important to have your partner alongside for the ride.

A study published in Journal of Internal Medicine found that having one partner in the relationship who is physically active raises the odds five times that the other partner will be active as well.

Here are some of my top tips on motivating each other, plus ways to make it not feel like exercise.

4 Tips for Getting Healthy Together

There are so many benefits to having your partner by your side in any exercise or healthy-living plan, though, for many of us, getting our partner to commit may prove to be a tall task.

The thing we want to avoid most is shaming or guilt tripping each other. Rather, focus on the positives and how you can uplift one another.

#1 Support – this could be physical or emotional support. Set goals together and celebrate those goals. There will be ups and downs and having the right person by your side is crucial.

#2 Complement each other – this can be extremely motivating during a workout and can help you stay on track.

#3 Don’t be bossy – instead give support when and where it’s needed

#4 Choose a schedule that works for everyone – this may be 20 minutes before work or getting up early on Saturday mornings.

Having an accountability partner ties in with motivation. It can be easy to skip a day, but having someone holding you to a schedule or relying on you for support makes it a little more difficult.

The Drawbacks of Not Having Your Partner on Board

As you grow older together, one partner may not be physically able to do certain things anymore, and you may miss out on quality time with one another. And ultimately, the more active partner may lose motivation to reach their own goals.

The most important thing is to be kind and honest with one another. One partner may not fully understand what’s holding the other back. When you know the root cause, you can be more sympathetic and a better communicator.

Exercising Together – Make it Fun!

Getting active together doesn’t have to be all weight lifting and ellipticals.

Find common interests and maybe even make it a little competitive. Play basketball together, go on a hike, race each other and the loser does the dishes.

These little friendly competitions can be incredibly motivating. They may also make you work a little harder, thus increasing your heart rate and calories burned.

Get Active Together at EIM!

If you and your partner are looking to hit the gym together, EIM in Mountain Brook, Alabama is here to help. Our team would be happy to meet you and build a custom couples workout plan, with some friendly competition built in.

If you’re ready to get started, give us a call today at 205-536-6049 or contact us online!

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